Showing posts with label 德國央行. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 德國央行. Show all posts

Monday, 20 February 2017





















德國人不幹了,自發成立的一個GATA夥伴組織「Repatriate Our GOLD」(返還我們的黃金)質疑稱:德國儲存在美國金庫里的黃金儲備僅僅是黃金信用而已,實物早已失蹤。








德國央行有關人員回復稱,一方面,這是德國央行新的儲備理念,熔化再鑄金條的目的是讓金條符合LGD(London Good Delivery)標準,另一方面,熔化金條為保證運輸安全和有關工作人員的安全。

這樣的回答顯然不能令民眾滿意,德國貴金屬協會主席Peter BoehrinGEr表示,德國央行的回覆不透明且很奇怪,「1950-1960年的原始金條其實從未被證實存在過,因為出版物上沒有它們的照片。就算它們存在,德國央行沒有理由選擇在紐約而非法蘭克福融化金條。」但是,德國央行說,我們只能提供這麼多信息。








「債券之王」格羅斯(Bill Gross)通過推特發問,德國從紐約和巴黎運回黃金,是否意味着世界各大央行已經不再彼此信任?




2016年,英國脫歐。2017年4月,法國大選。外界擔心,堅決主張法國脫歐、被視為「女版」特朗普的極右派領袖勒龐(Marine Le Pen)當選總統,對歐盟的破壞力巨大。













德國央行執行理事會成員蒂勒(CArl-Ludwig Thiele)否認了這種說法:「我們對美國總統特朗普進行了很多討論,包括他對貨幣政策、宏觀經濟等的影響,但我們信任美聯儲。特朗普因素不影響我們在紐約的黃金儲備計劃。」


今年以來,黃金價格已累計上漲近7%,一定程度上是因為市場對美國新政府感到不安。Independent Strategy公司擁有約45年市場經驗的全球策略師大衛·羅切(David Roche)表示,圍繞特朗普所引發的政治風險將使更多投資人追求避險,預計金價將於今年底攀升約6%,將升至每盎司1300美元,但多數資產如債券將出現負面報酬。



Thursday, 26 March 2015


德國央行[微博]市場副主管Henner Asche在近日稱,德國央行取回黃金( 1132.30 , -11.60 , -1.01% )的行動仍然在順利進行中。












Monday, 9 February 2015













此外,還有消息稱奧地利也有計劃將其存放在英格蘭銀行的黃金儲備運回國內。去年11月,法國右翼政黨國民陣線的領導人勒龐(Marine Le Pen)向法國央行發信,要求法國取回存在海外的黃金,並停止出售,還要求動用外匯儲備購買黃金。去年曾鬧得沸沸揚揚但最終未獲通過的的瑞士黃金公投也是要求所有持有的黃金都必須存於瑞士國內。



歐洲央行央行馬里奧?德拉吉(Mario Draghi)1月22日宣布,將從3月起每月購買600億歐元的歐元區債券,持續到2016年9月,除非歐元區通脹回升接近2%,將會停止購債。



Friday, 27 June 2014



  黃金反壟斷協會(GATA)的Chris Powell認為,這一齣完全是處於媒體公關宣傳。“這篇報道完全沒什麼事實來證明這樣的結論,”Powell説,“沒有提到德國央行又拿回了多少黃金,也沒有提到取回計劃有什麼改變。








Tuesday, 24 June 2014



德國央行官員Peter Boehringer稱,德國央行從美聯儲取回所存黃金的計劃暫停並不代表德國央行對目前的取回狀況滿意,並稱計劃將被繼續執行。





Monday, 24 February 2014


2013年1月16日德國央行(Bundesbank)稱最早2020年前從法蘭西銀行(Banque de France)和美聯儲 (Fed)分別拿回存儲的374噸和300噸黃金。一年之後,德國央行卻僅僅拿回了37噸黃金,而其中僅有5噸是來自美聯儲的。要知道,美聯儲存儲著德國3396噸黃金的45%


近日,德國央行董事會成員Carl-Ludwig Thiele接受采訪,談及了德國這些黃金的問題。

在談到德國沒有權限檢查存在美聯儲的黃金,以及美聯儲已將那些黃金做它用的傳聞時,Thiele稱在2002年6月,他本人就在紐約,並且查看了他們的黃金是怎麼被存儲的。“ 美國人從沒有阻礙我們,相反,他們非常合作。我們的內部審計團隊在去年移動黃金的時候就在現場。融解的過程也被獨立專家監管。”



德國的黃金還有存在英國央行 (BOE)的,13%被存在倫敦,還有11%被存在法蘭西銀行,其餘的則都存在德國央行在法蘭克福的總部。



Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Half of German gold reserves will be stored in Germany by 2020

Interview with Carl-Ludwig Thiele, Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank, published in Handelsblatt on 19 February 2014.

Translation: Deutsche Bundesbank

Interview conducted by Norbert Häring and Jens Münchrath.

Mr Thiele, do you consider yourself a kind of psychotherapist of the German soul?

No, why should I?

Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann described the partial transfer of German gold from New York as a trust-building measure in Germany.You are the one responsible for organising this major logistical undertaking.

Indeed, we are inspiring trust by storing half of the 3,400 tonnes of gold in Frankfurt by 2020. Building trust also means being transparent. We were the first central bank to publish details of our storage facilities, including the respective quantities of gold stored there.

Is there a scenario in which gold could begin to be used in monetary policy?

A highly theoretical scenario would involve extreme turmoil on the foreign exchange markets. Germany safeguards its solvency through reserve assets. In addition to foreign currency, our reserve assets include gold reserves. This gold could be pledged or exchanged directly for foreign currency. That is also why we have left the other half of our gold reserves in New York and London. Although we thankfully do not envisage such a crisis scenario, central banks are designed for the long term.

In October 2012, you promised the German Bundestag that you would transfer a total of 150 tonnes of gold from New York to Frankfurt by 2015. In January 2013, you extended the time frame to 2020 and increased the amount to 300 tonnes. What time frame are you looking at now?

The plans are not contradictory. We specified our initial target in October 2012. In January 2013, we then presented a new gold storage plan and specified a new target that is considerably higher than the first. Instead of only 150 tonnes, we are now transferring 300 tonnes of gold from New York to Germany.

So both targets still apply?

We now consider ourselves bound to the new gold storage plan. But the three years have not yet passed. We shall wait and see. We are on the right track in any case.

But the members of the German Bundestag have acted on the assumption of the initial promise.The second has got a more long-term oriented time frame. Was your initial promise overly ambitious? In the first year, you only returned five tonnes from the USA.

It is not a question of “returning”. The gold is being transferred to Germany for the first time. Until 1998, only 2% of our gold, or thereabouts, was stored in Germany. In the first year, we transported five tonnes from New York. This year, we will transfer 30 to 50 tonnes, or perhaps even more, from New York to Frankfurt. And there is still next year to come.

Does that mean that the target of 150 tonnes is still attainable?

Since we are in the midst of an ongoing process, I would like you to ask me the question again in two years’ time. In any case, we will store half of the German gold reserves in Germany by 2020 at the latest.

Why are you content with such a low target for this year?Is the programme still experiencing teething problems in its second year?

No, it is not. We have planned the timing of the transfers in such a way as to ensure that 300 tonnes are transferred from New York to Germany by 2020 at the latest.

There are these rumours that either the gold in New York is no longer there or you do not have unrestricted access to it.

Why have you not called in auditors or other externals to oversee the transfers in response to such rumours?

It astounds me that Handelsblatt pays any attention to such absurd rumours. I was in New York myself in June 2012 with the colleagues responsible for managing the gold reserves and saw for myself how our money is stored in the vault there. The Americans have never stonewalled or hindered us in any way. On the contrary, their cooperation has been most constructive in every respect. Our internal audit team was present last year during the on-site removal of gold bars and closely monitored everything. The smelting process is also being monitored by independent experts.

Does this also apply to opportunities to inspect the stocks?

You said a year ago that discussions on the matter with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York were making good progress.

That is correct. We have enjoyed an excellent relationship of trust with the New York Fed for many decades. As regards the details of the contracts, however, we are bound by confidentiality which we cannot unilaterally break. From my visit to New York, I can tell you that a number of bars selected by us were removed, inspected and reweighed even while I was there. The inspections conducted by our internal audit team, during which an external auditor was also present, were also completed to our utmost satisfaction.

Was an external auditor present during your visit to the New York Fed gold storage facility in June 2012?

No, not during my visit. However, an external auditor was present for part of the time during the internal audit team’s inspection of stocks.

Did the gold from New York have to be melted down immediately?

The gold was removed from the vault in the presence of the internal audit team and transported to Europe. Only once the gold had arrived in Europe was it melted down and brought to the current bar standard. Some of the bars in our stocks in New York were produced before the Second World War. It was confirmed after the melting process, as anticipated, that these bars were absolutely fine.

The Federal Court of Auditors (FCA) sparked the debate by calling for an inspection of Germany’s gold holdings abroad.When you announced in October 2012 that part of the holdings were to be transferred to Germany, the FCA responded that this was a first step, but not a comprehensive procedure. Is the FCA now satisfied?

The FCA never demanded that the Bundesbank transfer gold to Germany. It was more concerned with extending its rights with regard to inspecting gold reserves abroad. The Bundesbank’s internal audit department now has rights it never used to have. The Budget Committee has acknowledged the FCA’s report, which concludes this discussion. Incidentally, the FCA examined the Bundesbank’s annual accounts for 2012 and found no irregularities.

The FCA claims it has no knowledge of newly agreed audit rights.

The FCA has access to all information at all times. I am sure the President of the FCA will be able to confirm this for you.

If the intention was to build trust, would it not have been better to postpone the smelting processso that you would have been able to present sceptics with the original bars?

Prior to transportation, the original gold bars were handed over to us in New York. Our internal audit team checked the numbers of the bars there and then against its own lists. The very same gold arrived at the European gold smelters that we had commissioned. This ought to demonstrate to everyone that such conspiracy theories are completely unfounded.

Calling in external auditors or critics was not an option?

The Bundesbank’s internal audit department is involved in the process from start to finish. Independent experts were present during the smelting process.

Are there any advantages for the Americans in storing gold for other nations? After all, they are protecting our reserves free of charge.

To answer this question, you need to look at the historical context. As you may know, gold reserves were established during the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system. Given the threat from the East at the time, it seemed the safest option was to store German gold as far west as possible. The gold was therefore stored in New York from the outset.

So the Americans are taking on high storage costs for nothing in return?

No, why high storage costs? The gold has been stored there for decades. The storage rooms already exist.

Security guards cost money…

It is not just our gold that they protect, but also that of other central banks. But that is a matter for the New York Fed.

Just over a year ago, you were asked whether storing gold with the victors of the Second World War was not perhaps an echo of the old Bonn Republic when Germany was not yet a fully sovereign state. Back then, your answer was rather vague. What is your answer today?

To my knowledge, gold was stored in New York, London and Paris mainly for security policy reasons. We transferred 930 tonnes of gold from London more than ten years ago without experiencing any difficulties with the Bank of England or upsetting German-British relations.  The same applies to the Banque de France and the New York Fed.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Thomson Reuters 18日報導,根據世界黃金協會(WGC)最新發表的統計報告,受黃金ETF遭拋售(註:淨流出881公噸)抵銷創紀錄實體需求的影響,2013年全球黃金需求量下滑15%至3,756公噸、創4年新低;礦區產量年增5%至1,968.5公噸、創歷史新高。WGC統計顯示,2013年全球黃金首飾、金幣、金條需求量年增21%至創紀錄的3,863.5公噸。值得注意的是,自西方金庫透過北美、瑞士、杜拜煉金商流向東方市場的數量也創下新高紀錄。

中國去年黃金首飾、金幣/金條需求分別年增29%、38%,帶動該國超越印度成為全球最大黃金消費國。2013年全球黃金首飾需求量達到2,209.5公噸、創5年來新高。印度黃金首飾需求年增11%至612.7公噸;美國也成長至122.8公噸、2001年以來首見上揚。不過,2013年全球央行黃金購買數量年減近三分之一至368.6公噸。WGC投資部董事總經理郭博思(Marcus Grubb)預估今年全球央行黃金購買數量將與去年相當。





根據Thomson Reuters GFMS的統計,2012年全球官方部門淨買黃金數量年增17.4%至536公噸,創1964年以來新高。


德國央行總裁Jens Weidmann去年底在受訪時指出,2013年自紐約、巴黎取回的黃金數量逼近37公噸。據此推算,德國央行得花上將近20年的時間才能把上述674公噸黃金全數運回國內

Monday, 20 January 2014



這樣的數量讓德國民眾非常不滿,一系列陰謀論也喧囂塵上。然而,更讓人吃驚的是,德國媒體Die Welt報導稱,這37噸中只有5噸是來自紐約聯儲的,其它都來自巴黎








Wednesday, 8 January 2014



獨立財經記者Lars Schall就此對德國央行發問:

1. 為什麼需要融化金條?

2. 如果要融化金條,為什麼不能等到金條抵達法蘭克福後再融化?

德國央行有關人員回復稱,這是德國央行新的儲備理念,融化再鑄金條的目的是讓金條符合LGD(London Good Delivery)標準,並稱為保證黃金運輸安全和有關工作人員的安全,不能對此提供更多詳細信息。整體看,德國央行對Schall的問題未能給出清晰的回

德國貴金屬協會主席Peter Boehringer表示,德國央行的回不透明且很奇怪。Boehringer是“德國黃金歸國運動”的發起人之一。Boehringer提出了三個問題:

1. 為什麼德國央行繼續迴避德國黃金儲備問題?

2. 在德國央行回給Schall的信中,為什麼不能簡單明確地闡述事實?德國央行強調在美國融化金條和LGD標準,解釋晦澀且不透明。

3. Boehringer表示,1950~1960年的原始金條,其實從未被證實存在過,因為出版物上沒有它們的照片。就算它們是存在的,德國央行沒有理由選擇在紐約而非法蘭克福融化金條。德國央行也沒有理由不透明地運作,不發布有關再鑄金條的報告。




Monday, 21 January 2013


Why Germany Wants to See its US Gold


Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann wanted to personally convince Peter Gauweiler that the German gold was still where it should be. Early this summer, the head of Germany's central bank took the obstinate politician from the conservative Christian Social Union (CSU), a party that is a member of the government coalition in Berlin, and a number of his colleagues into the Bundesbank's inner sanctum: the gold vault.

There, 6,000 gold bars are stacked on industrial-strength shelves in a purpose-built building in Frankfurt. An additional 76,000 bars of bullion are stored in four safe boxes, in sealed containers.

But even this personal inspection wasn't enough to reassure the visiting member of parliament -- on the contrary: "The Bundesbank monitors its domestic gold in an exemplary fashion," Gauweiler says, "and this makes it all the more incomprehensible that the bank doesn't look after its reserves abroad."

For quite some time now, Gauweiler has been pestering the government and the Bundesbank with questions concerning where and how the country's reserves are stored, and how often they are checked. He has submitted requests and commissioned reports on the topic.

Last week, Gauweiler celebrated his greatest triumph to date in his gold campaign, which has been a source of some amusement for many fellow German politicians: A secret report by the Federal Audit Office had been made public -- and it contained stern criticism of the German central bank in Frankfurt. The Bonn-based auditors urged a better inventory system, including quality checks.

This demand, which even the bank's inspectors saw as nothing more than routine, alarmed the Berlin political establishment. Indeed, the partially blacked-out report read like the prologue to an espionage thriller in which the stunned central bankers could end up standing in front of empty vaults in the US.

'Grotesque Debate'

For decades, German central bankers have contented themselves with written affirmations from their American colleagues that the gold still remains where it is said to be stored. According to the report, the bar list from New York stems from "1979/1980." The report also noted that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York refuses to allow the gold's owners to view their own reserves.

Not surprisingly, this prompted strong reactions in Berlin: The relevant Bundesbank board member Carl-Ludwig Thiele was summoned to Berlin to provide an explanation to the parliamentary budget committee. Heinz-Peter Haustein of the business-friendly Free Democratic Party (FDP) was even quoted by Germany's mass-circulation Bild newspaper as saying that "all the gold has to be shipped back."

The Bundesbank's otherwise reserved Thiele said that he found at least "part of the debate" to be "rather grotesque." His financial institution currently has more pressing problems. Bundesbank head Weidmann, for example, is desperately fighting the European Central Bank (ECB) decision to buy unlimited quantities of sovereign bonds from crisis-ridden countries as a way of lowering their borrowing costs. In addition, the Bundesbank has already pumped nearly €700 billion ($906 billion) into primarily southern European countries as part of the euro-zone central bank transfers known as Target II.

Germany's gold reserves are currently worth some €144 billion and are not stored "with dubious business partners," as Thiele stresses, but rather with "highly respected central bankers."

Special Connection

There is in fact nothing unusual about how Germany deals with the precious metal. Many other central banks store a portion of their gold reserves abroad. The Netherlands, for example, places its trust in its colleagues in Ottawa, New York and London.

But the relationship Germans have with their gold is a special one. Germany hoards nearly 3,600 metric tons of the precious metal -- only the US has more. Much of this gold treasure was amassed under the Bretton Woods international monetary system, in which the dollar served as the world's key currency and was directly convertible to fixed quantities of gold.

Before the gold standard was terminated in 1971, the current account surpluses generated by Germany's "economic miracle" were partially balanced out in gold. Thousands of US bars of gold alone were transferred to German ownership.

But since the euro is not backed by gold, such vast reserves are actually no longer necessary. Nevertheless, the Germans continue to resolutely defend them -- and every attempt to use this treasure has been met with dismay.

There has been no lack of proposals: Former German President Roman Herzog wanted to sell the gold to form the basis for a capital-based nursing care insurance scheme. In 2002, FDP parliamentary floor leader Rainer Brüderle proposed a fund for natural disasters. Former Bundesbank head Ernst Welteke added to the debate by suggesting the foundation of a national educational fund. But none of these ideas were ever taken seriously.

Most recently, German Chancellor Angela Merkel of the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) shot down an idea by the euro partners to use the reserves as collateral for euro bonds.

Strict Security

As a result, in addition to safeguarding the reserves of over 60 countries, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York continues to hold 1,536 metric tons of German gold -- or nearly half of Berlin's reserves. This enormous hoard of gold is stored in the fifth subfloor of the bank's building on Liberty Street, 25 meters (80 feet) below street level, and 15 meters below sea level. According to the bank's website, the vault rests on the bedrock of Manhattan Island.

Tourists are allowed to venture below street level to see the vault. After descending in an elevator, they stand in front of an enormous steel cylinder that pivots like a door in a 140-ton steel-and-concrete frame. But not even the owners are allowed to view their own gold. According to the Federal Audit Office report, the Fed explained that "in the interest of security and of the control process" no "viewings" are possible.

Finally, in 2007, "following numerous enquiries," Bundesbank staff members were allowed to see the facility, but they reportedly only made it to the anteroom of the German reserves.

In fact, auditors from the Bundesbank made a second visit in May 2011. This time one of the nine compartments was also opened, in which the German gold bars are densely stacked. A few were pulled out and weighed. But this part of the report has been blacked out -- out of consideration for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

"I would like more transparency on the issue," says Bundesbank board member Thiele. The Americans are very sensitive, though, when it comes to security procedures in their gold storage facilities. In their second major depository, the legendary Fort Knox, practically no one in recent decades has been allowed to view the gold reserves.

Fuelling Legends

Such intense secrecy fuels legends. Many conspiracy theorists have suspected for decades that the German gold has long since disappeared. Others believe that it has been lent out. They contend that there are only promissory notes of little worth stored in the bank's vaults.

Another myth that has been making the rounds in nationalist-oriented German circles is that the US refused to hand over the treasure and threatened during the Cold War to withdraw its troops from Germany if the Germans demanded their gold back. Former Bundesbank head Karl Blessing, according to the theory, had to provide the US written confirmation that he would never do such a thing.

This letter, as it happens, actually exists, as Blessing confirmed in his last interview with SPIEGEL in 1971 -- except it doesn't concern the German gold, but rather US gold reserves. Until 1971, every dollar could be exchanged for the precious metal. Blessing thus promised the US Federal Reserve that he would no longer convert the colossal German dollar reserves to gold because this would have caused the currency's value to plummet.

Today, this historic document is even available online. But that hasn't silenced those who oppose stockpiling German gold abroad. Instead, the debate over a collapse of strictly paper-based currency is experiencing a renaissance -- as is the dispute over the gold reserves. Even Green Party financial expert Gerhard Schick has joined the fray: "I think the question of how much gold is available in an emergency is a valid concern."


Outlandish Idea

From a purely logistical perspective, though, returning the reserves seems outlandish. One cannot simply pack 1,500 tons of gold into an Airbus A380 super-jumbo jet and fly it back to Germany.

The Bundesbank also objects to this notion for another reason. It says the gold is supposed to act as an emergency buffer. In the extreme situation of a currency collapse, the bankers say that the gold bars could easily and quickly be exchanged on location for pounds or dollars to pay urgent bills.

In a bid to calm the debate, the Bundesbank has pledged to bring back and inspect 150 tons of gold from abroad over the next three years. Furthermore, there are plans to count and weigh the gold bars stored in one of the nine chambers at the Fed in New York -- although no date has been set for this.
Bundesbank board member Thiele was also recently in New York where he took a look behind one of the vault doors. He had good news for the members of the parliamentary budget committee: "There was no paper in there, just gold."

But that's not enough for CSU politician Gauweiler. He's only prepared to put the matter to rest when the central bank has thoroughly inspected all the German reserves throughout the entire world. His credo: "The Bundesbank is independent, but it can't do what it wants."